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You're viewing Titan Assault Cheat Codes

Game Name : Titan Assault
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-02-09 07:35:04
Views : 21421

Cheat mode
The following is a list of codes that may be entered in the command console. The console is dropped by hitting R-ALT + R-SHIFT + R-CTRL + Tilde Key (next to the numerical one key). When the console is dropped, the game will pause and you may input the following codes:

Code - Result:

god - Toggle god mode on/off
doctor - Display all object/entity life bars
time.nolimit - Timer disabled
credits.max - Stock 1 million credits
level.restart - Restart current map/mission - Ends current leve, loads next successive level
alltech - All human tech unlocked (level restart required)
cpualltech - All alien tech unlocked (level restart required)
clear - Clears console output
exit - Quits game
log.list - Lists command history
log.clear - Clears command history
level.goto - Goto specific level number (integer required after code)
map.load - Loads specified map file (mapfile name required after code)
m_nofogofwar 1 - Fog of war off (Numerical zero turns back on)

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